Image Recognition

Reconocimiento de imágenes

Capitalize on image recognition benefits -through artificial intelligence- to clearly identify products on the shelf and have automatic availability of key performance indicators calculated only by taking a picture and having it processed.

How does it work?

Once the mobile user takes and sends the photos, the algorithm automatically calculates and delivers the reports to all key stakeholders.

Obtain and manage your most relevant metrics and take advantage of:

  • Reducing manual work
  • Optimizing your team on the ground timing and maximizing your investment
  • Increasing level of data accuracy
  • Having online information about your executions at the point of sales
  • Monitoring competitive activity
  • Identifying new business opportunities
  • Increasing sales

Our KPI’s

Learning Time:
Algorithm accuracy:
by brand
Algorithm accuracy:
by company

See how it works

Image Recognition App

Mesa de Ayuda

Help Desk:

One of our customers most valued differentials is our Help Desk support, that provides assistance when questions or concerns may arise, regarding the use of our solution. GU Trade provides assistance to all users through a specialized and professional team, committed to respond quickly.

Please contact us for more information

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